Custom Hexagonal Hot Tub and Pump House
A project which pushed past the typical focus on woodworking to incorporate processes across multiple disciplines. This hot tub was designed to match the existing home’s angled layout and integrate into the hill side and deck. The position of the home on a steep grade provided for additional challenges; no excavation or heavy equipment could access the site.
Never Stop Building completed a full design, site, and energy analysis before completing excavation, form preparation and construction, plumbing and electrical installation, finish masonry work, tile, new deck construction, pump house construction and final equipment install. While we remain focused on traditional Japanese woodworking, this project serves as an example of the additional skill sets we can bring to bear on full design/build projects.
Construction and Features
The Hexagonal Hot Tub is designed to comfortable host 12 people in its 550 gallon capacity, or one relaxing owner floating vertex to vertex without touching the sides. It features 12 power jets, 3 return jets, and 3 lamps as well as two different seating levels. The basin of the tub was formed during a single concrete pour, capturing the various jet and drain plumbing. The tub surround is surfaced with Pennsylvania Blue flagstone and the exposed sides are covered with local moss rock. The interior is surfaced with a unique glass tile. A new Ipe deck surround was constructed for access and a structural retaining wall was installed to retain the hill.
Pump House
In addition to the main tub construction, a pump house was constructed on its own foundation to match the color and proportions of the existing house. Contained in this structure is all the equipment necessary for cleaning, pumping and heating the tub water.
Soothing Light
Three multi-color LED lamps illuminate the tub, which really springs to life when the jets are running. Bathers can select between a variety of different colors and patterns.
High Tech Tub
The pump house is packed full of equipment. The jets are powered by a 4 horsepower pump through a simplified plumbing circuit while a smaller, continuous use pump circulates water through an 18kW electric heater, a filter, an ozone generator and a chlorine generator. A custom built, Arduino powered control system manages to tub and control panel.
Bespoke Control Panel
A water proof control panel was built using IP67 rated components and custom CNC machined and anodized parts. This panel can remain continuously submerged while still switching on the jet pump, the lights, and indicating the tub temperature.
Luxurious Tile
Our clients fell in love with the Lightstreams glass tile while on their honeymoon. We commissioned a custom blend of colors and iridescent finishes for the tile, then wrapped the entire interior of the tub with this must-see-to-be-believed finish.
Scribe Fit Decking
A new deck surround of Ipe and repairs to the existing deck allowed us to stretch our woodworking muscles by scribe fitting each of the deck boards to fit the irregular shape of the stones. These details impart a permanent quality to tub, cleanly integrating it to the existing structure.
Video Series
We produced a full video series detailing every phase of construction, as well as a full build video showing the entire construction compressed into a 5 minute video. Please enjoy!